Beachside Couple Male Lost Ark SkinBeachside Couple Female Lost Ark Skin

Beachside Couple Outfit

Current Rating




See The Beachside Couple Skin in Game

Beachside Couple Skin Information

NameBeachside Couple
Skin CollectionLover Skins
Available In The Shop Between7/20/2022 - 9/28/2022
Royal Crystals2800

Beachside Couple FAQs

Beserker, Destroyer, Gunlancer, Paladin, Acarnist, Bard, Sorceress, Wardancer, Scrapper, Soulfist, Glavier, Deathblade, Shadowhunter, Sharpshooter, Deadeye, Artillerist
Lover Skin Set
Beachside Couple was available in the Lost Ark Store between 7/20/2022 and 9/28/2022 for 2800 Royal Crystals
Beachside Couple is no longer available in the Lost Ark Store but can be purchased in game from the Marketplace for Gold